biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

NanoRacks-NCESSE-2), Two Investigations NanoRacks-National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NanoRacks-NCESSE-1 &

Research Area: Student-Developed Investigations
Expedition(s): 27 and 28
Principal Investigator(s): ● Jeff Goldstein, PhD, National Center for Earth and Space
Science Education, Capitol Heights, Maryland

NanoRacks-NCESSE-1 and -2 are part of
a commercial program that
incorporates the science projects of
schools from across the United States.
Students design their own experiments
using flight-approved fluids and
materials that are flown on the
Materials Diffusion Apparatus (MDA)
or MixStix NanoLabs in a NanoRacks
module. Students complete proposals
for a flight opportunity, experience a
science proposal review process,
complete a flight safety review, and
attend their own science conference. The goal of this program is to allow students to
experience scientific exploration through their own involvement.

The long-term goal of this project is to enhance technological, industrial, and educational
growth for the benefit of people on Earth.

This investigation is a part of a series of investigations to be conducted aboard the International
Space Station (ISS) to provide the foundation for use of the ISS as a National Laboratory
following assembly complete.

As a result of the NCESSE Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP) announcements of
opportunity, 39 communities across the United States have joined the program, providing 71
900 students in grades 5 through 14 the opportunity to participate.

NanoRacks-NCESSE- 1 School Grade City, State
Development of Prokaryotic
Cell Walls in Microgravity

Shelton High School 12 Shelton, Connecticut

Apples in Space Crystal Lake Middle School 8 Broward County, Florida

Students manipulating robotics. NASA image.
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