NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School (NanoRacks-VCHS), Four Investigations
Research Area: Student-Developed Investigations
Expedition(s): 29 and 30
Principal Investigator(s): ● Valley Christian High School, San Jose, California
NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School-Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria Growth (NanoRacks-VCHS-B.
Subtilis) studies the growth and growth rate of Bacillus subtilis bacteria in microgravity. Beef
broth is added to the Bacillus subtillis, and the rate of growth is determined by measuring the
amount of light shining through the bacteria-broth solution over time by using lumen sensors
and analyzing the bacteria photos.
NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School-
Electromagnetic Effects on Ferrofluid
Ferrofluid) studies the effects of a variable
magnetic field on ferrofluids in microgravity.
Three-D figures formed by the varying
magnetic field are photographed and
downlinked to the students daily to be
analyzed and compared with those formed
on the ground.
NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School-
Electroplating (NanoRacks-VCHS-
Electroplating) studies the effects of electroplating gold and bronze in microgravity aboard the
station and compares the results of identical electroplating on Earth. Samples of electroplating
in space and on the ground are analyzed with Valley Christian’s atomic force microscope.
NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School-Plant Growth (NanoRacks-VCHS-Plant Growth)
examines the growth and growth rate of marigold and thyme seeds in microgravity. With the
bank of light-emitting diodes to simulate the sun, 2 Wisconsin fast plants and 2 English thyme
plants are watered at a predetermined rate and photographed to measure the rate of growth.
The growth is compared with the growth of the same plants grown on the ground.
NanoRacks-VCHS allows students at Valley Christian High School to participate in an out of this
world experiment to determine how microgravity affects several different research areas
including bacterial growth, ferrofluids, electroplating, and plant growth. A better understanding
of the fundamental properties benefits each discipline individually. The color photos from the
NanoRacks-Valley Christian High School-Electromagnetic
Effects on Ferrofluid Ground Test Unit. Valley Christian High
School image.