International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Cells (ICE-First-Cells) studies the
effect of spaceflight on cell migration and muscle cells in C. elegans development.
International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Development (ICE-First-
Development) studies the morphometry (measurements) of larval (immature) C. elegans
development during spaceflight.
International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Gene Expression (ICE-First-Gene
Expression) studies the effect of spaceflight on gene expression and protein alteration in C.
International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Genomics (ICE-First-Genomics)
investigates the whole-genome microarray analysis of responses to spaceflight in C. elegans.
International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Muscle Proteins (ICE-First-Muscle
Proteins) studies the correlation between proteins, muscle growth, and endurance in relation
to a microgravity environment.
International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment First Flight-Radiobiology (ICE-First-
Radiobiology) studies the effects of radiation on living organisms by comparing space-flown
normal and genetically modified strains of worms with comparable worms grown on Earth for
differences in the presence and expression of glutamine rich proteins.
By understanding fundamental processes in C. elegans, scientists can achieve a better
understanding of such processes in humans. The breakdown of these essential functions often
results in disease and medical pathologies, thus allowing scientists to use C. elegans to study
development, nerve function, behavior, and aging. With certain genetic techniques used in this
experiment, highlighting the genes where differences occur in comparison to Earth data can
further provide scientists with a direction of where to develop research in the future, either on
similar organisms or humans. These investigations can also lead to a further understanding of
how radiation may affect the human function on Earth as well as in space.
As the possibilities for longer-term spaceflight are increasing, it is crucial to understand the
effects that microgravity will have on organisms at the genetic level. It is important for human
life in space to study the effects of environmental factors during spaceflight on a number of
physiological phenomena. Results from the ICE-First experiments can help scientists better