biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Under the Background Influence (UTBI)

Research Area: Student-Developed Investigations
Expedition(s): 14
Principal Investigator: ● Nuria Escobar, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Candid Reig, Ph., Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Ernesto Lopez-Baeza, PhD, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Javier Sanchis, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Nuria Escobar, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Maria Moreno, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● Rafael Gisbert, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
● V. Reglero
● J. M. Rodrigo

The main goal of Under the Background Influence (UTBI) is the measurement of the background
radiation inside spacecraft. Measurements of the X-ray, gamma ray, and other particles
(protons, neutrons, electrons) have a very important effect outside the Earth’s geomagnetic
field, which can help in the development of future space vehicles and other space technologies.

The radiation aboard the International
Space Station has been measured. The
fluctuation of the radiation along the
orbit has been measured. The influence
of the Earth Magnetic Field (L-Shell) and
the South Atlantic Anomaly has been
imaged (representative image to the

This investigation is complete; however
no publications are expected.

Image plot of Under the Background Influence image
date over time. ESA image.
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