Research Area: Animal Biology – Invertebrates
Expedition(s): 27 and 28
Principal Investigator(s): ● Jamie S. Foster, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville,
NanoRacks-University of Florida-Squids-1 (NanoRacks-UF-
Squids-1) examines the effect of the space environment on
the normal developmental timeline of the cooperative
relationship between the Hawaiian Bobtail Squid Euprymna
scolopes and the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri. The
goal of this project is to determine whether beneficial
microbes that typically associate with animal tissues are
negatively impacted by microgravity.
For the approximately 3.8 billion years that life has existed
on Earth, gravity has been one of the few constants
throughout the evolution process. By experimenting in
microgravity conditions we can potentially assess the impact
gravity has had on life’s evolution as well as delineate
developmental triggers or cues that may otherwise be
obscured by gravity. This may expand our basic understanding
of how gravity has influenced the evolution of life on Earth.
The research complements those studies underway in
pathogenic organisms, as several gene pathways (e.g. hfq) are
common to both mutualistic and pathogenic organisms. By
understanding what commensal/mutualistic bacteria are
experiencing in microgravity, we can deepen our
understanding of human health in the space environment.
Results indicated that the bacteria were able to colonize the
host squid tissue in situ under microgravity conditions. Only 3
animals were tested, therefore there were not enough
specimens for a rigorous study; however, the data provided
proof of concept of the feasibility of using these animals in
microgravity conditions.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.
Squid loaded into flight hardware
waiting for packing into trays.
University of Florida image.
Juvenile squid after returning from
space. University of Florida