biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Chernikova AG, Baevsky RM. Mathematical models of functional status based on analysis of
cardiac rhythm variability. All-Russian Symposium on the Variability of Cardiac Rhythm:
Theoretical Aspects and Practical Application, Izhevsk, Russia; September 2004.

Chernikova AG, Baevsky RM, Nikulina GA, Funtova II. Analysis of cardiac rhythm variability in
assessing human functional status during spaceflight. 19th Congress of the I.P. Pavlov
Physiological Society; 2004.

Baevsky RM, Funtova II. Analysis of cardiac rhythm variability in experiments on board the
International Space Station. All-Russian Symposium on the Variability of Cardiac Rhythm:
Theoretical Aspects and Practical Application, Izhevsk, Russia; November 2003.

Baevsky RM, Baranov VM, Bogomolov VV. Experiments “Pulse” and “Pneumocard” aboard the
International Space Station. The prospects of development of an automated medical
monitoring system. 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany; September
29-October 3, 2003. IAC-03-G.2.04.

Baevsky RM, Baranov VM, Bogomolov VV, et al. Prospects of development of the medical
control automated systems at the ISS on the basis of using onboard equipment 'Puls' and
'Pneumocard'. 54th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany; 2003.

Baevsky RM. Theoretical and applied aspects of controlling adaptive processes in long-term
spaceflight conditions. The Body and Environment: Adaptation to Extreme Conditions, Moscow,
Russia; 2003.

Baevsky RM, Chernikova AG. Heart rate variability analysis in evaluation of functional state in
humans during long-term spaceflight. 14th Man in Space Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada;
May 2003.

Chernikova AG. Mathematical modeling of the space of functional statuses using data from the
analysis of cardiac rhythm variability. The Body and Environment: Adaptation to Extreme
Conditions, Moscow, Russia; 2003.

Baranov VM, Baevsky RM, Drescher J, Tank J. Investigations of the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems on board the International Space Station: Experiments “Puls” and
“Pneumocard”. 53rd International Astronautical Congress, The World Space Congress, Houston,
TX; October 10-19, 2002.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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