biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Perfection), Two Investigations Study of the State of Fluids in the Human Body During Long-term Spaceflight (Sprut-MBI/Sprut-MBI

Research Area: Integrated Physiology and Nutrition
Expedition(s): 1, 3, 5, and 7- 12
Principal Investigator(s): ● Viktor B. Noskov, PhD, Institute of Medical and Biological
Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The Study of the State of Fluids in the Human Body During Long-term Spaceflight (Sprut-
MBI/Sprut-MBI Perfection) obtains data on the status of fluid systems of the human body
during long-term spaceflight in order to evaluate adaptation mechanisms of human physiology
and improve microgravity countermeasures aboard the International Space Station for crew

New results for the changes in the
body’s hydration level and
composition that are obtained via
bioimpedance analysis align well
with results previously obtained via
invasive methods and do not
conflict with long-standing ideas on
the nature of the adaptation of
water-electrolyte homeostasis to
microgravity. This investigation
demonstrates the advantages
bioimpedance analysis has over
other methods in the field of space
medicine due to its safety and
adaptability. The method of 2-
frequency bioimpedancemetry is a
non-invasive, quick, and safe method for determining body composition and the volume of
bodily fluids, based on the electrical properties of biological tissues. Moreover, it provides the
necessary precision, and the information obtained is processed immediately during the
examination. The portability and high interference-resistance makes the use of Sprut
technology possible in field conditions—for example, in ambulances—and also for performing
specific tasks of disaster medicine and other extreme situations causing disruption of water-
electrolyte homeostasis.

Water-electrolyte homeostasis plays an important role in the processes of general adaptation
of the human body to new living conditions and to microgravity in particular. Spaceflight causes
restructuring of water-electrolyte homeostasis, ie, the lack of gravity and other spaceflight

Cosmonaut during the Study of the State of Fluids in the Human
Body During Long-term Spaceflight experiment session aboard
the International Space Station. Roscosmos image.
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