biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Bertucci A, Durante M, Gialanella G, et al. Biological dosimetry in the ENEIDE mission on the
International Space Station. Microgravity Science and Technology. 2007;19(5-6):206-209. doi:

Durante M, Snigiryova G, Akaeva E, et al. Chromosome aberration dosimetry in cosmonauts
after single or multiple spaceflights. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 2003;19:40.

Greco O, Durante M, Gialanella G, Grossi G, Pugliese M, Scampoli P. Biological dosimetry in
Russian and Italian astronauts. Advanced Space Research.2003;31:1495.

Wu H, George K, Willingham V, Cucinotta FA. Comparison of chromosome aberration
frequencies in pre- and post-flight astronauts lymphocytes irradiated in vitro with gamma rays.
Physica Medica. 2001;17:229.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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