biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Vitok-2(М). The results obtained from the studies conducted make it possible to conclude that
with an adaptive system of operator selection to perform tasks in the first days of flight,
sufficient training with the crewmember reaching the necessary skill level, complex dynamic
tasks can be performed on a vehicle during the acute adaptation period to spaceflight factors.
The results of the Vitok-2(М) study indicate that in operators there is no failure of elements of
operator skill, and they have the capacity to reliably perform dynamic vehicle control tasks
beginning with the first orbits and days of spaceflight.

The recording of the best indicators of all functional and physiological characteristics of crew
members during orbits 8-9 of a flight made it possible to conclude that the vision system
achieved the optimal level of adaptation to spaceflight factors within this period.

The data obtained showed that the vision system’s resolving power and the visual acuity being
assessed had a high level of stability and resistance to the effects of spaceflight and the effect
of the particulars of visual and skill activity of the crew member. Analysis of a crew member
ability to identify space objects (simulation on the PC screen) showed that:

  • A crew member is capable, during the first orbits and days of spaceflight, of
    confidently identifying space objects having angular dimensions of about 1°.

  • The average time to identify space objects and the number of erroneous
    identifications during the first orbits of flight increases by 10-27% and reaches baseline
    levels during the second day of flight (orbit 19) in the manned spacecraft.

  • The number of unidentified objects during flight corresponds to the baseline values
    obtained during the training process.

  • A crew member with a low (imperceptible) level of space motion sickness is able to
    perform visual/instrument observations immediately after a manned spacecraft is
    inserted into satellite orbit around the Earth.

These investigations are complete; however no publications are expected.

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