biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

NanoRacks – The Ohio State University Zeolite Crystal (NanoRacks-OSU-Zeolite)

Research Area: Fluid Physics
Expedition(s): 25/26
Principal Investigator(s): ● Michael Snyder, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States

NanoRacks-The Ohio State University Zeolite Crystal Growth (NanoRacks-OSU-Zeolite)
processes materials science samples in microgravity. The science goals for NanoRacks-OSU-
Zeolite are proprietary.

The long-term goal of this project is to
enhance technological, industrial, and
educational growth for the benefit of
people on Earth.

This investigation is a part of a series of
investigations to be conducted aboard
the International Space Station (ISS) to
provide the foundation for use of the ISS
as a National Laboratory following
assembly complete.

This investigation is complete, and additional results are pending publication.

NanoRacks- The Ohio State University Zeolite Crystal
Growth (NanoRacks-OSU-Zeolite) is an experiment
designed to mix compounds used for a microgravity
crystal growth experiment. Image courtesy of NanoRacks,
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