materials were obtained in microgravity. The interaction of the metal and oxide phases that
formed during synthesis was investigated.
The results of [SVS-5] demonstrated the potential for using thermal explosion processes to
synthesize gradient materials, connections, and coatings based on intermetallics in
microgravity. The mechanism of formation of coatings based on titanium aluminides and
nickelides on titanium bases via self-propagating, high-temperature synthesis in NiO-Al
thermite systems was studied.
Shcherbakov VA, Sytschev AE, Sachkova NV. Interaction of SHS-produced melt with Ti surface in
microgravity conditions. International Journal of Self-Propogating High Temperature Synthesis.
July 2, 2010;19(2):141-149. doi: 10.3103/S106138621002010X.
Sanin VN, Yukhvid VI, Sytschev AE, Sachkova NV, Shiryaeva MY. The effect of microgravity on
the composition of SHS products of the mixture NiO + Ni + Al + WC. Inorganic Materials. June 7,
2009;45(6):635-344. doi: 10.1134/S0020168509060119. [Original Russian Text © Sanin VN,
Yukhvid VI, Sychev AE, Sachkova NV, Shiryaeva MY. Neorganicheskie Materialy. 2009;45(6):694-
Vadchenko SG, Sytschev AE. SHS in microgravity: The Ti-Si-Al-C system. International Journal of
Self-Propogating High Temperature Synthesis. August 12, 2008;17(2):149-153. doi:
These investigations are complete and all results are published.