biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Based on the experiment results, mathematical models were developed that describe the
magnetic interference occurring on the ISS in flight, the Earth's magnetic field, and methods for
processing the obtained measurements [data] accounting for disturbances from magnetically
hard materials, magnetically soft materials, and current loops.

Based on the obtained data, the mathematical model was created and updated to account for
the ISS own magnetic field during various operating modes of its equipment and systems, which
facilitated the increase of the station orientation control accuracy.

To date, based on the considerations of the ISS own magnetic field, according to specially
developed methods and mathematical models for the current station configuration, the
accuracy of orientation control using magnetometers was increased from 14 - 12° to 2 - 1.5°
(according to the results of periodical updates of the deviation vector, which increases as the
assembly of the ISS goes forward).

Therefore, the results obtained in the Iskazheniye provide additional capabilities for solving
flight control issues, experiment planning, and analysis of obtained research results.

This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.

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