biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

experiments conducted during ARIS-ICE, investigators determined that the ARIS facility provides
the ability to predict and prevent the potentially damaging effect of station vibrations. It was
also determined that sensitive experiments installed in ARIS would be isolated and protected
from both vibrational and acceleration movements. These capabilities are critical to make ISS a
unique, world-class research laboratory in microgravity.

Fialho IJ, Bushnell GS, Allen JL, Quraishi N. Taking H-infinity to the International Space Station:
Design, implementation, and on-orbit evaluation of robust controllers for active microgravity
isolation. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Austin, TX; 2003.

Bushnell GS, Fialho IJ, Allen JL, Quraishi N. Microgravity flight characterization of the
International Space Station Active Rack Isolation System. Proceedings of SPIE 5052, Smart
Structures and Materials 2003, San Diego, CA; 2002.

Bushnell GS, Fialho IJ, McDavid T, Allen JL, Quraishi N. Ground and on-orbit command and data
handling architectures for the Active Rack Isolation System microgravity flight experiment. 53rd
International Astronautical Congress, The World Space Congress, Houston, TX; 2002.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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