Davis DR, Radford NA, Permenter FN, Parsons AH, Mehling JS, inventors; Method and apparatus
for electromagnetically braking a motor. United States Patent and Trademark Office 8,067,909.
November 29, 2011.
Reiland M, Platt RJ, Wampler CW, Abdallah ME, Hargrave B, inventors; Joint-space impedance
control for tendon-driven manipulators. United States Patent and Trademark Office 8,060,250.
November 15, 2011.
Abdallah ME, Bridgwater LB, Diftler MA, Linn DM, Wampler CW, Platt RJ, inventors; Sensing the
tendon tension through the conduit reaction forces. United States Patent and Trademark Office
8,056,423. November 15, 2011.
Davis DR, Radford NA, Askew SR, inventors; Connector pin and method. United States Patent
and Trademark Office 8,033,876. October 11, 2011.
Linn DM, Ihrke CA, Ambrose RO, Mehling JS, Diftler MA, Parsons AH, Radford NA, Bridgwater
LB, Bibby H, inventors; Robot. United States Patent and Trademark Office D628,609. December
7, 2010.
This investigation is ongoing and additional results are pending publication.