biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Research Area: Small Satellites and Control Technologies
Expedition(s): 14
Principal Investigator(s): ● Robert E. Bruniga, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis,
● James Keeney, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland
Air Force Base, New Mexico

The complement of Space Test Program-H2 (STP-H2)
investigations was deployed from STS-116/12A.1 on
December 20, 2006.

The Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE)
consists of 2 spherical microsatellites: the Mock ANDE
Active (MAA) spacecraft and the Fence Calibration (FCal)
spacecraft. These satellites were launched from the space
shuttle cargo bay into a circular orbit just below the
International Space Station (ISS) altitude. The main
objective of the ANDE mission is to measure the total
atmospheric density and composition between 100 and
400 kilometers.

Radar Fence Transponder (RAFT) is a student experiment from the U.S. Naval Academy that
used picosatellites to test the Space Surveillance Radar Fence and experimental
communications transponders. More specifically, RAFT was designed to provide the Navy Space
Surveillance System (NSSS) radar fence with a means by which to determine the limits of a
constellation of picosatellites that would be otherwise undetectable to the radar fence and to
enable NSSS to independently calibrate its transmit and receive beams using signals from RAFT.
This was accomplished with 2 picosatellites (RAFT1 and MARScom): 1 that actively transmitted
and received signals, and 1 with a passively augmented radar cross section. Additionally, RAFT
provided experimental communications transponders for the Amateur Satellite Service, the
Navy Military Affiliate Radio System, and the Naval Academy’s Yard Patrol Craft.

The MIcroelectromechanical System-based PICOSAT Inspector (MEPSI) experiment series was
designed to demonstrate the concept of an onboard intelligent hardware agent, “InfoBot,” that
can be used to assist satellite operations. It is designed to enhance satellite command and

S116E07836 - Shown is one of the ANDE
satellites floating free from Internal Cargo Unit
(ICU) after deployment. The second satellite
did not leave its half of the ICU until 4 hours
after launch from the shuttle cargo bay.
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