Research Area: Spacecraft Materials
Expedition(s): 10 and 11
Principal Investigator(s): ● Andrea Orlandi, Information Technologies Services,
Rome, Italy
The Analysis, Experimentation, and Implementation
Algorithms (ASIA) Flight experiment is a
sophisticated instrument for the measurement of
the effect of space radiation on high-level electronic
components and microprocessors. The ASIA
experiment was the core of the first super-computer
for space application that can operate in a high
radiation environment assuring high functionality and
performance through the realization of innovative
and self-configuring architecture without “radiation
hardened” electronic components.
The Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware
worked perfectly during its postflight tests. In 2005 it
was one of the first attempts to demonstrate that
COTS hardware could work in the space
environment without protection, with respect to the
radiation dose calculated analytically. The
data/experience coming from the ASIA experiment is
proving very important in the development of a
microsatellite design based on the COTS hardware.
This investigation is complete; however, additional results are pending publication.
ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori with the
Analysis Experimentation Implementation
Algorithms hardware on the International
Space Station in 2005. A, Orlandi image.