biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

effect of ISS Service module roll thrusters on structural elements and exterior surfaces. During
the 4 stages of the Kromka space experiment, the assumptions on the mechanisms of FORP
emissions from attitude thruster nozzles into the surrounding area were confirmed, which
were determined based on the results of experiments in pressure chambers using actual
thrusters and simulated nozzles.


Gerasimov YI, Krylov AN. Results of studying the effect of contamination from the inherent

external atmosphere on the characteristics of the structural materials and temperature control

coatings of ISS vehicles and modules. Physical/Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics (Fiziko-

Chimiceskaja Kinetika v Gazovoj Dinamike). 2011.

Gerasimov YI, Buryak AK. Conditions of formation of stable deposits of incomplete combustion

products of liquid rocket fuels on the external elements of orbital stations. Russian Journal of

Physical Chemistry B. October 2008;2(5):779-786. doi: 10.1134/S1990793108050205. [Original

Russian Text © Gerasimov YI, Buryak AK. Khimicheskaya Fizika, 2008;27(10):26–34.]

Gerasimov YI, Yarygin IV. Methodology of studying the parameters of contaminant emissions
from the orientation engines of orbital stations during and after the flight. Russian Journal of
Physical Chemistry B. October 2008;2(5):787-794. doi: 10.1134/S1990793108050217. [Original
Russian Text © Gerasimov YI, Yarygin IV. Khimicheskaya Fizika. 2008;27(10):35–43.]

Gerasimov YI, Krylov AN, Sokolova SP, et al. Gas dynamics aspects of contamination of the
International Space Station. 2. In-situ Experiments. Thermophysics and

Aeromechanics (Teplofizika i Aeromekhanika). 2003;10(4):555-565.

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