(Tam Dominh) #1

Fig. 98 Tapping in a new dust deflector

Companion Range
Oil Sllnger

Non-reusable part

Fig. 99 The front 4WD differential oil seal is located behind the
companion flange

  1. Tighten the 2 nuts on the lower side of the shock absorber to 231 ft.
    IDS. (314 Mm).
    a. Tighten the 2 bolts on the lower ball joint to 94 ft. Ibs. (1||7 Nm).

  2. Install the brake disc and caliper.
    26. While a helper is applying the brakes, tighten the drive shaft lockout to:
    . 1991—137 ft Ibs. (186 Nm)

    • 1992-93 models—166 ft. Ibs. (226 Nm)
      . 1994-97 models—152 ft. Ibs. (206 Nm)
      a. Install the lock cap and new cotter pin.

  3. Cn models with a ABS speed sensor, secure the sensor to |9 inch
    Ibs. (8 Nm).

  4. Install the front wheel, hand tighten the lugnuts and lower tlje vehicle.

  5. Tighten the lugnuts to specifications.

  6. Check the front end alignment.

Pinion Seal


» See Figures 99,100,101,102 and 103

~A new companion flange nut is needed before removal. The old
nut can not be used.

  1. Disconnect the front driveshaft assembly.

  2. To remove the companion flange, use a chisel and hamme
    loosen the staked part of the nut. Retain the flange with one too w
    removing the nut.

  3. Using a forced screw typed puller, remove the companion

  4. Place a seal puller onto the end of the shaft and extract the
    from the differential. Then remove the oil slinger.
    To install:

  5. Apply MP grease to the new oil seal. Using a driver and ha 1 nmer,
    carefully tap the new oil seal into position on the end of the differe itial.

  6. Using the forced screw type puller again, install the compan
    flange on the drive pinion.
    a. Apply a light coat of gear oil on the threads of the new companion
    flange nut. Retain the flange and tighten the nut to 80 ft. Ibs. (1(8Nm).

  7. Using a torgue wrench, measure the preload of the backlas
    between the drive pinion and ring gear.

  • New bearing—8.7-13.9 inch Ibs. (1.0-1.6 Nm)
    Reused bearing—4.3-6.9 inch Ibs. (0.5-0.8 Nm)

Fig. 100 Use a chisel and hammer to loosen the staked nut


oil seal

  1. If the preload is greater than specification, replace the bearii

  2. If the preload is less than specification, retighten the nut to
    (13 Nm) a little at a time until the specified preload is reached.

g spacer.
9 ft. Ibs.


Fig. 101 Use a screw type puller and remove the companion
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