Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Psychotropic Agents 97

Extrapyramidal reactions include par-
kinsonism, acute muscular dystonias,
akathisia, tardive dyskinesia and malignant
neuroleptic syndrome. They can also cause
hypersensitivity reaction including
cholestatic jaundice, skin rash, urticaria,
photosensitivity and contact dermatitis.
There is also blue pigmentation of skin, len-
ticular opacities on prolonged use of drug.

Therapeutic Uses

  1. Treatment of psychosis (schizophre-
    nia): Schizophrenia is a split mind or
    splitting of perception from reality.
    The patient of schizophrenia is dis-
    sociated from the world around him
    and lives in their own world which
    is characterized by aggression, anxi-
    ety, restlessness, hallucinations and
    delusions. Phenothiazines reduce the
    hallucinations, aggression, anxiety
    and make them acceptable and coop-

  2. In the treatment of manic depressive
    psychosis (treatment of mania).

  3. In alcoholic hallucinosis and
    Huntington’s disease.

  4. As an antiemetic in drug and disease
    induced vomiting. Also useful in morn-
    ing sickness but are ineffective in mo-
    tion sickness.

  5. In the treatment of intractable hic-

  6. In the treatment of behavioural disor-
    ders in children.

  7. As preanaesthetic medication.

  8. To produce hypothermia.


It is a phenothiazine derivative and

is used in hallucination, delusions, agi-
tation, withdrawal and other schizo-
phrenic symptoms in schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorders, mania, hypo-
mania and panic anxiety.



It is a potent antipsychotic drug. It does
not cause weight gain. Its pharmacological
effects are similar to phenothiazines.
Adverse effects include dystonia, hal-
lucinations, restlessness, nausea, epigas-
tric discomfort, anaemia, blurred vision,
hypersensitivity reaction, blood dyscra-
sia, jaundice, galactorrhoea, gynecomas-
tia and amenorrhoea.
It is indicated in acute and chronic
schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, acute ma-
nia, hypomania and behavioural disorders
in children; antiemetic neuroleptanalgesia,
Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome and
Huntington’s disease.

It is a short acting neuroleptic agent used
in anaesthesia.

It exerts sedative and tranquillizing ef-
fect and it is postulated that it blocks dopam-
ine receptors within CNS. It is used in acute
and chronic psychoses, anxiety disorders,
mania and schizophrenia.
Side effects include nausea, epigastric
distress, dry mouth, blurred vision, jaun-
dice, skin rash and photosensitivity.
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