Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
106 Section 2/ Drugs Acting on CNS

ing electroshock seizures in the rats. It is ef-
fective against all type of seizures e.g.
grandmal epilepsy, psychomotor epilepsy,
focal and myoclonic epilepsy. It is not effec-
tive in petitmal epilepsy.

It is converted into phenobarbitone
and phenylethyl malonamide in the
liver, which actually produces the
antiepileptic actions. The common side
effects are anorexia, drowsiness, nausea,
leukopenia, osteomalacia and megalo-
blastic anaemia.


In epileptic patients there is repetitive
detonation of normal brain cells during the
depolarisation shift and consists of synchronous
and unusually large depolarisation on which
action potentials are superimposed. Phenytoin
prevents repetitive detonation of these normal
brain cells as it has a stabilizing influence on
the neuronal membrane. It is achieved by
prolonging the inactive state of voltage sensitive

Table 2.6.1: Classification of antiepileptic drugs

I. Barbiturates
Phenobarbitone (PHENOBARB) 60 mg OD-TDS
Primidone (MYSOLINE) 250-500 mg BD
II. Hydantoins
Diphenylhydantoin (Phenytoin; EPTOIN) 100-200 mg BD
Mephenytoin (MESANTOIN) 50-200 mg TDS
III. Iminostilbene derivatives
Carbamazepine (TEGRETAL) 200-400 mg. TDS
Oxcarbazepine (OXYTEL) 600-1200 mg BD
IV. Succinimides
Ethosuximide (ZARONTIN) 250-500 mg TDS
Methsuximide 300 mg OD-TDS
V. Oxazolidinediones
Trimethadione (TROXIDONE) 300-600 mg TDS
VI. Aliphatic carboxylic acid
Valproic acid (Sodium valproate; EPIVAL) 200-800 mg TDS
VII. Benzodiazepines
Clonazepam (EPITRIL) 0.5-4 mg TDS
Diazepam (CALMPOSE) 0.2-0.5 mg/kg IV
Clobazam (CLODUS) 20-60 mg OD-BD
VIII.Phenyltriazine derivative
Lamotrigine (LAMEPIL) 300-500 mg BD
IX. Newer compounds
Felbamate 2-4 g/day
Topiramate (TOPEX) 200-400 mg BD
Tiagabine 16-56 mg/day
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