Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Sympatholytics (Antiadrenergic Agents) 147

alpha receptors. Ergotamine is an important
alkaloid that possesses both vasoconstrictor
and alpha-receptor blocking activity. Both
ergotamine and dihydroergotamine are used
in the treatment of migraine.


Migraine is a severe episodic throbbing or
dull pain in head, may be lateralized or
generalised associated with anorexia,
nausea, vomiting, photophobia and blur-
ring of vision. The pain of migraine and
vascular headaches are associated with va-
sodilatation, edema and visible pulsations
of the extracranial blood vessels. The 5-HT
plays a pivotal role in pathophysiology of


a. Simple analgesics (aspirin or
paracetamol), NSAIDs and antiemetics are
useful in mild attacks of migraine.

b. Moderate and severe attacks of
migraine besides NSAIDs need specific
drugs like ergot alkaloids, sumatriptan and
methysergide along with antiemetics.


It is a 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonist
(5HT2A/2C). It is effective in preventing an
attack of migraine. Adverse effects include
nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and ner-


It is a potent selective 5-HT1D receptor
agonist used in the treatment of migraine.
The 5HT1D receptor is found dominantly in
cranial blood vessel. It activates other

subtype of 5-HT 1 receptor at very high
Oral bioavailability is only 15% but af-
ter SC injection absorption is rapid and com-
plete. It is metabolized by MAO-A isoen-
zyme and metabolites are excreted in urine.
Adverse effects include tightness in head
and chest, paresthesia in limb, dizziness, rise
in BP and bradycardia. Rarely seizures and
hypersensitivity reactions occur.
Dose: SUMINAT; 25-100 mg/day, 6 mg SC.
Drugs useful in prophylaxis of migraine
are β-adrenergic blockers (usually
propranolol), methysergide, calcium
channel blockers.



It is an piperazinyl quinazoline effective in
the management of hypertension. It is highly
selective for α 1 receptors. It also reduces the
venous return and cardiac output. It is used
in essential hypertension, benign prostatic
hypertrophy and in Raynaud’s syndrome.
Prazosin lowers blood pressure in human
beings by relaxing both veins and resistance
vessels but it dilates arterioles more than
It has variable absorption from GIT and
has about 50% hepatic first pass metabolism.
It is highly bound to plasma proteins.
Adverse effects include orthostatic
hypotension, dizziness, headache, drowsiness,
weakness, palpitation and impotence.

It is similar to prazosin but has higher
bioavailability and longer plasma t½.
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