Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Sympatholytics (Antiadrenergic Agents) 151

  1. Cardiac arrhythmias: It is life saving
    in protecting against serious cardiac
    arrhythmias. It suppresses tachycardia.

  2. Pheochromocytoma: Propranolol is

  3. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomy-
    opathy: Propranolol inhibits the inotro-
    pic effect of sympathetic stimulation
    and may reduce intraventricular pres-
    sure gradient.

  4. Essential tremor: Non selective β
    blockers are useful.

Adverse Reactions & Contraindications

  1. II or III degree heart block: Cardiac
    arrest may occur.

  2. Bronchial asthma: An immediate
    contraction of bronchiolar smooth
    muscle prevents air from entering the
    lungs. Bronchospasm may occur in
    patient with obstructive pulmonary

  3. Bradycardia: If it taken, resting heart
    rate reduces to 60/min or less.

  4. In digitalis and verapamil therapy:
    Severe bradycardia may occur. Both
    verapamil and propranolol are
    negative inotropic agents.

  5. Cardiac failure: Beta blockers depress
    myocardial contractility and may
    precipitate cardiac failure & bradycardia.

  6. Cardiogenic shock.

  7. Carbohydrate tolerance may be
    impaired in prediabetics.

  8. Hypoglycemia.

  9. Rebound hypertension & angina can
    occur on abrupt withdrawal of
    10. Metabolic acidosis.
    11. Cold hand & feet.
    12. Severe haemorrhage.
    13. Tiredness & reduced exercise capacity.
    14. Can precipitate CHF by blocking
    sympathetic support to the heart.



It is nonselective (β 1 +β 2 ) blocking agent
with lower lipid solubility with additional
potassium channel blocking activity.

It is another nonselective beta blocker
with longer duration of action and mainly
used in hypertension. It is excreted largely
in urine and does not cross blood-brain
barrier and has no central side effects.

It is nonselective agent with no local
anaesthetic activity and having excellent
ocular hypotensive effect preferred for
ophthalmic use. It is useful in chronic wide-
angle and aphakic glaucoma. Levobunolol
and betaxolol are other agents used as
ophthalmic preparation used in glaucoma.

It is a nonselective beta blocker with
marked intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.
It has advantage over propranolol that it
produces less bradycardia and rebound
hypertension. Oxprenolol resembles
propranolol and is short acting with mild
intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.
Alprenolol is similar to pindolol and
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