Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
266 Section 7/ Drugs Acting on GIT


35-140 μg day heal duodenal and gastric
ulcer but are less effective than H 2 receptor



It is a steroid like triterpenoid synthetic
derivative of glycyrrhizic acid (obtained
from liquorice) and has been found to be
effective in healing both gastric and
duodenal ulcer without affecting volume or
acidity of gastric juice.

It acts by increasing mucus production,
slowing turnover of gastric cells and
increasing regeneration of cells around ulcer.
It also enhances pyloric tone preventing bile
reflux. It retards PG’s degradation in gastric
mucosa. Its mineralocorticoid side effects lead
to Na+ and water retention and K+ loss
preclude its use on large scale.



It is a basic aluminium salt of sucrose
octasulfate. It polymerizes at pH < 4 to form a
sticky, viscid yellow white gel which adheres
to ulcer base. The gel acts as a strong
mechanical barrier because of a strong

electrostatic interaction of the drug with
proteins at ulcer site. It also binds to basic
fibroblast growth factor preventing its
degradation and thereby promotes healing.
It also protects from intracellular enzymes
released from damaged cells. It also helps in
formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)
and helps in cell division (mitogenic).
Sucralfate also inhibits release of cytokines
(immunomodulator). It also has antibacterial
It precipitates surface proteins at ulcer
base and act as a physical barrier, preventing
acid, pepsin and bile from coming in contact
with ulcer base. It also augments gastric
mucosal PG synthesis thereby enhancing
protective action. It has no acid neutralizing
It promotes healing of both gastric and
duodenal ulcers and also prevents ulcer
Topical sucralfate (4-10%) is also
useful in management of decubitus ulcer,
diabetic ulcers, chemical and thermal
burns, radiation induced skin damage,
vaginal ulceration, oral and genital
Side effects include dry mouth,
constipation, nausea, vomiting, rash, pruritus,
dizziness. It adsorbs and interferes with
absorption of tetracycline, cimetidine, digoxin
and phenytoin.

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