Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Antidiabetic Agents 277

lipodystrophy (atrophy at the site of injection),
insulin neuropathy and weight gain (obesity).

Therapeutic Uses
Insulin is used in:

  • Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis or diabetic coma.
    Huminsulin 30/70 [biphasic isophane
    insulin injection (30% soluble insulin and 70%
    isophane insulin)] is a mixture of soluble
    human insulin injection, a short acting blood
    glucose lowering agent and isophane insulin
    human suspension, an intermediate acting
    blood glucose lowering agent.

Adverse Effects
Local allergy: Patients occasionally

experience redness, swelling, and itching at
the site of injection of insulin.
Systemic allergy: Less common, but
potentially more serious, is generalized
allergy to insulin, which may cause rash
over the whole body, shortness of breath,
wheezing, reduction in blood pressure, fast
pulse, or sweating. Severe cases may be life

These are the agents which are effective
orally and lower the elevated blood glucose
levels. They are classified as in table 8.2.2.

These drugs stimulate insulin secretion
from pancreatic βββββ-cells (so called
‘sulfonylurea receptors’) which cause
depolarisation by reducing conductance of

Table 8.2.2: Classification of oral antidiabetic agents.

I. Sulfonylureas
i. First generation
Tolbutamide (RASTINON) 0.5-2 g/day
Chlorpropamide (COPAMIDE) 100-500 mg/day
Tolazamide 0.125-1.0 g/day
ii. Second generation
Glibenclamide (BETANASE) 5-20 mg/day
Glipizide (DIBIZIDE) 5-20 mg/day
Gliclazide (GLIZID) 160-320 mg BD
Glimepiride (GLIMER) 1-6 mg OD
II. Biguanides
Metformin (GLYCOMET) 250 mg to 3.0 g/day
Repaglinide (RAPILIN) 0.25-4 mg/day
Nateglinide (GLINATE) 60 mg/day
Rosiglitazone (ENSELIN) 4-8 mg OD-BD
Pioglitazone (GLIZONE) 15-45 mg OD
V. ααααα-Glucosidase inhibitors
Acarbose (GLUBOSE) 50-200 mg TDS
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