Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
42 Section 1/ General Principles of Pharmacology

drugs like morphine, barbiturates, phenothi-
azines, benzodiazepine can produce more
CNS depression.

In gastrointestinal disease:

  • The absorption of orally administered
    drug is altered e.g. achlorhydria
    reduces aspirin absorption.

  • Absorption of amoxycillin is
    reduced in coeliac disease.
    Other important diseases in which the
    drug action is altered are:

  • The hyperthyroid patients are
    relatively resistant to inotropic
    action but more prone to arrhythmic
    action of digoxin.

  • In congestive heart failure the drug
    elimination is retarded due to
    decreased perfusion and congestion
    of liver, also reduced glomerular
    filtration and increased tubular

  • In head injury, morphine (in normal
    dose) can cause respiratory failure.
    In severe pain, hypnotics may cause
    mental confusion.

  1. Tolerance: Tolerance is a condition
    when there is a requirement of higher
    dose of a drug to produce a given

  2. Drug resistance: It is tolerance of
    micro-organisms to inhibitory action of
    antimicrobials e.g. staphylococci to

  3. Other drugs: Drugs may modify the
    response to each other by pharmacokinetic
    or pharmaco-dynamic interaction between

Tachyphylaxis is the rapid development
of tolerance in which there is a marked
reduction in response even after repeated
doses of a drug. It is not necessary that
tolerance develop equally to all the action
of the drug, e.g. tolerance of morphine
occurs to its analgesic and euphoric action
and not to its constipating and miotic
actions. Likewise in phenobarbitone,
tolerance occurs to its sedative action and
not to its anti-epileptic action.
Cross tolerance is development of
tolerance to pharmacologically related
drugs e.g. morphine and barbiturates.




The effect of certain structural
compounds in relation to its activity,
duration of action and mechanism can be
altered by changing the structure of drugs
of known activity. A new product can show
different reactions, different relation
between the drugs and cell constituents and
perhaps even new mechanism of action.
The structure activity relationship is
useful in synthesis of new active compounds
with more specific actions with lesser
unwanted effect, and to know about their
mechanism of action.


The drug receptors are macromolecular sites
which are situated on the surface or inside
the effector cells with which specific agonist
combines to produce its response. Antago-
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