(Pride Chekera) #1

Bruno was correct, stars were part of other solar systems, around
which other planets revolved. Today we had discovered
thousands of exoplanets in star systems to confirm this with aid
of satellites including the Kepler Space Telescope. Some of
these worlds are found in habitable zones, Goldilocks zones, in
which they can sustain life and some are even weirder worlds
without any possibility of being habitable.

Thus the Kopernik model falsified Aristotle-Ptolemaic model
which had survived for a millennium.

Olbers’ Paradox

Germany astronomer Heinrich Olbers (1758-1840), who studied
medicine, but also a keen amateur astronomer and a founder of
the Celestial Police, a group of astronomers who attempted to
locate a supposed "missing planet" between Mars and Jupiter.
Olbers was credited of discovering two asteroids, Pallas in 1802
and Vesta in 1807. He is also known for a number of comets he
discovered, a new method of calculating cometary orbits, and
the expounding of Olbers' paradox.

The Olbars' paradox, put forward in 1826, states that, If the
universe is infinite in extend and filled with stars, why is the sky
dark at night? This paradox was solved with the answer: the
stars don't live infinitely long, so there is no ample starlight to

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