The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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Take the Financial Fitness Test.

Yes No
I can live three months without receiving any money, including my regular

Our family can maintain our current lifestyle if I became disabled for an
extended time.

My family can maintain our current lifestyle if I died tomorrow.

My investment portfolio and/or retirement saving plans are performing in
an above-average manner.

My will is complete and up-to-date.

My spouse knows exactly how much it costs us to live on a monthly

My spouse and I have outlined our financial plans in writing.

I have spent at least one hour in the past year planning my next car purchase,
home purchase, vacation or night out.

Within the past year, I have taken one hour to discuss with my spouse our
financial future.

My spouse is concerned about saving for our future.

We could afford to purchase everything we desired this past year.

If my spouse dies, I have someone who can advise me on all my financial

If your combined “NO” responses are:
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