The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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sTraTeGy 7-5:

learn how to prioritize.

You have one hour to work on prioritizing 15 tasks. You need a tool to help you
prioritize which one you will work on first. You need a tool that will help you decide quickly
the order of priorities for goals to set, items to work on, people to invite to a meeting, etc.
The scale described below will help you, identify in an instant, an order of priorities.
This tool was developed by Colorado management consultant Myron Rush and
has been used extensively to help thousands of managers to set priorities. It is, without
question, one of the most valuable priority-setting tools available today. It is an effective
instrument to assist in identifying which tasks are urgent and which ones are important.

PrioriTy sCale

step 1.
In the upper left-hand corner, under “Tasks to be Prioritized,” record and number
the tasks you wish to prioritize. For example, let’s say you had many things to do today
but didn’t have a lot of time to do them. To determine which task is the most important,
you would list all of them on the Priority Scale without being concerned about the order
of importance. If it needs to be accomplished then write it down.

step 2.
Compare task 1 with task 2 and circle the one that is more important. Next,
compare 1 with 3, circling the more important. As you trade off between tasks, ask yourself,
“If I could only do 1 or 2 tasks which is more important?” You then circle the number
you chose as the more important of the two. Continue the process by moving one row to
the right and comparing task 2 with 3. Next compare 1 with 4 and 2 with 4, and so on.

step 3.
Once you have completed the comparison, add up the total number of 1’s, 2’s,
and 3’s, etc. and record the total.

step 4.
Now, you are ready to rearrange the items in order of priority.
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