The Millionaire Mindset

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The prevalent sales model is no longer effective today. It was developed in the
1950’s and repackaged in every succeeding generation by slick sales trainers. The result of
using an ineffective approach to selling is seen in the burnout rate in the selling industry.
Why do you think a manager’s primary role is recruiting? People are working very hard but
not earning the money they know they have the potential to earn. Their incomes are up one
month and down the are their emotions. Unless people change their paradigms
of selling, they are doomed to spend forever on the Sales Roller Coaster.

sTraTeGy 8-1:

Make a shift in your selling paradigm.

The old way Vs. The new way

sales Function old way of selling new way of selling

SELLING One night stand Marriage
Adversarial Partnership
Buyers must be sold Buyers want trust
Persuasion Communication
Manipulation Listening

MARKETING Single focus Relationship
Product-oriented Prospect-oriented
Image-building Lead generating

PROSPECTING Cold calling Attraction
Pursue prospects Prospects pursue YOU
Rejection Referral

CLOSING Prospects are liars Prospects need to trust
Canned approach Caring approach
Tricks Trust

CLIENT CONTACT Infrequent Frequent
Expected contact Unique contact
“Me” focus Relationship building
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