The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

New Marketing Reality 2

Let the triangle on the opposite page represent the population on a whole

and let the top part of that triangle represent the small number of people who

will give you most of your business. Most people agree that a small percentage

of the population will give them most of their sales. This 20/80% rule is widely

accepted. The top of the triangle represents that profitable group of prospects

or future clients who will purchase your product or service within the next few

weeks, months or years. They exist. They are real.

The bottom part of the triangle represents the vast majority of the population

and it is still where, our research clearly shows, most businesses attempt to find

business. This is why so many of them work so hard for such poor returns, yet

they continue, year after year trying to find customers in this vast wasteland that

we call the Unknown Marketplace. We named it that because what’s unknown is

the people’s predisposition to buy what you are selling. You are throwing all kinds

of money, time and effort to a huge group of people who have not identified

themselves as somewhat predisposed to buying your product or service.

The way to win in business is to only market to and spend time with the Known

Market. The 20% of people who will yield 80% of your income; those people

who have put their hands up and somehow said, “I’m somewhat likely to buy what

you are offering!”

By attempting to find the Known Market from the bottom up, you are doomed

to poor sales and marketing results. A much better method exists. It causes the

Known Marketplace to come directly to you!

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