The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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sTraTeGy 3-10:

list what you will need to accomplish

the goal.

step 5:write out a list of skills you will need to develop to achieve
the goal.
If you set a goal to sail around the world then you might have to develop some
navigational skills. It probably would help. If you want to write a book then you may need
to develop grammatical skills. This step forces you to consider ahead of time the tools you
will need to see your dreams come true. Make a list.

sTraTeGy 3-11:

Consider who can assist you.

step 6: identify the resources you will need.
Chances are, you will require the assistance of certain people to see your dreams
fulfilled. Who are they? How should you approach them? What should you ask them? Is
there an association or fellowship you could join? Some goals require the assistance of
professional helpers. Thousands have stopped excessive drinking with the help of the
world-renowned Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve-Step Program.
Step #6 drives us to identify the people, places, organizations and resources
necessary to accomplish great things in life. (I found there is a lot of help available for those
who stop long enough to consider, shut-up long enough to hear, and humble themselves
enough to ask.)
When I first began in this industry, many of the “big guns” in the speaking/training
business freely gave of their time to help me. They were delighted to help someone who
had the courage to seek assistance and to put into practice the advice they gave.

sTraTeGy 3-12:

determine what is in it for you.

step 7: list what benefits this goal will bring.
Every goal has a price and requires a certain degree of sacrifice and hard work.
When you list the benefits of the goal, you stay motivated to stick with it.
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