Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
normal boiling point is that temperature at which a liquid can exist in equilib-
rium with its gas phase at 1 atm. Since the behavior of one of the phases—the
gas phase—is strongly dependent on the pressure, boiling points can vary
greatly with even small pressure changes. Therefore, we need to be certain that
we know the pressure when we discuss a boiling, sublimation, or condensation
If the presence of two different phases in a single-component, closed sys-
tem represents a process at equilibrium, then we can use some of the ideas
and equations from the previous chapter. For example, consider the chemical
potentials of each phase for, say, a solid-liquid equilibrium as illustrated in
Figure 6.1. We are assuming constant pressure and temperature. The natural
variable equation for G, equation 4.48, must be satisfied, so we have

dGS dTV dp




At equilibrium,dGis equal to zero at constant Tand p.The dTand dpterms in
the above equation are also zero. Therefore, for this phase equilibrium, we have



phasednphase 0 (6.1)

For our solid-liquid equilibrium, this expands into two terms:
soliddnsolidliquiddnliquid 0
For a single-component system, it should be obvious that if the equilibrium
changes infinitesimally, then the amount of change in one phase equals the
amount of change in the other phase. However, as one goes down, the other
goes up, so there is also a negative numerical relationship between the two
infinitesimal changes. We write this mathematically as
dnliquiddnsolid (6.2)
We can substitute for either of the infinitesimal changes. In terms of the solid
phase, we get
soliddnsolidliquid(dnsolid) 0
soliddnsolidliquiddnsolid 0
(solidliquid) dnsolid 0
Although the infinitesimal dnsolidis indeed infinitesimally small, it is not zero.
In order for this equation to equal zero, the expression inside the parentheses
must therefore be zero:
solidliquid 0
We typically write that at the equilibrium between the solid and liquid phase,
solidliquid (6.3)
That is, the chemical potentials of the two phases are equal. We expand on this
theme and state that at equilibrium, the chemical potentials of multiple phases of
the same component are equal.
Since we are considering a closed system with a single component, there are
two other implicit conditions for a system at equilibrium:

144 CHAPTER 6 Equilibria in Single-Component Systems

Figure 6.1 Two different phases of the same
component can exist together in equilibrium with
each other. However, the conditions at which this
can occur are highly specific.

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