Refer to Figure 7.17. Using the tie lines to connect the vapor composition
for each liquid phase composition, we ultimately find ourselves at a compo-
sition consisting ofx 1 0. Therefore, the pure component 2 is our ultimate
As an additional example, what is the expected outcome if the solution had
an initial mole fraction x 1 of 0.1? Is your conclusion the same as the conclu-
sion for the additional example in Example 7.7?
If deviations from ideality are large enough, then two liquids won’t even
make a solution at certain mole fractions: they will be immiscible.As long as
there is enough of each component to establish an equilibrium with a vapor
phase in the system, the pressure-composition phase diagram will look some-
thing like Figure 7.18. Between points A and B, we are implying that the two
182 CHAPTER 7 Equilibria in Multiple-Component Systems
T(BP 2 )
T(BP 1 )
x 1 , y 1
0.0 1.0
Final composition
of distillate:
pure component 2
Initial composition
of liquid phase
Figure 7.17 See Example 7.8. If one starts with a liquid having the composition indicated, the
ultimate product will be one of the pure components.
p* 2
p* 1
x 1
0.0 A 1.0B
Region of immiscibility
Total pressure
Partial pressure of component 2
Partial pressure of component 1
Figure 7.18 For very nonideal solutions, there may be ranges of immiscibility. In those ranges,
the vapor composition will not change. Here, the region between points A and B is a region of
immiscibility. The vapor pressure is constant in that range.