That does not mean that there is no understanding of, or recourse for, such
systems. Nor does it imply that quantum mechanics is a useless theory for
these systems. There are two main tools for applying quantum mechanics to
systems whose Schrödinger equations cannot be solved exactly. Use of either
depends on the type of system under study as well as what information you
want to determine.
The first of these tools is called perturbation theory.Perturbation theory as-
sumes that a system can be approximated as a known, solvable system and that
any difference between the system of interest and the known system is a small,
additive perturbation that can be calculated separately and added on. We will
assume that all of the energy levels under discussion are singly degenerate, so
this tool is more appropriately named nondegenerate perturbation theory.Also,
perturbation theory can be taken to very complex levels. Here, we focus on the
first level of approximation, which is called first-orderperturbation theory.
Perturbation theory assumes that the Hamiltonian for a real system can be
written as
HˆsystemHˆidealHˆperturbHˆ°Hˆ (12.14)
where Hˆsystemis the Hamiltonian of the system of interest that is being ap-
proximated,Hˆ° is the Hamiltonian of an ideal or model system, and Hˆrep-
resents the small, additive perturbation. For example, in the case of the helium
atom, the ideal part of the Hamiltonian can represent two hydrogen-like atoms.
The perturbation part of the Hamiltonian can represent the coulombic repul-
sion between the electrons:
0 r 12
(In this case, there are two hydrogen-like Hamiltonians because there are two
electrons. Despite this rewriting, the Schrödinger equation for He has not re-
ally changed and is still analytically unsolvable.) Any number of additive per-
turbations can be combined with an ideal Hamiltonian. It is, of course, easier
to keep the number of terms in the Hamiltonian as small as possible. What is
usually found is that there is a trade-off between the number of terms and the
accuracy of the solution to the Schrödinger equation.
If we assume that the wavefunction of the real system is similar to the
wavefunction of the ideal system, denoted (0), then one can say that,approx-
Hˆsystem(0) Esystem(0) (12.15)
where Esystemis the eigenvalue for the energy of the real system. Over the
course of many observations, one eventually determines an average value of
the observable energy,E. By using one of the postulates of quantum me-
chanics Ecan be approximated by the expression
E ((0))*Hˆsystem(0)d (12.16)
Given the form ofHˆsystem, one can substitute into equation 12.16 and partially
E ((0))*(Hˆ°Hˆ)(0)d
E(0)((0))*Hˆ^0 dE(0)E(1) (12.17)
388 CHAPTER 12 Atoms and Molecules