plied to quantum mechanics and wavefunctions. Most people are gener-
ally aware of the concept of symmetry: an object is round or square, or the left
side is the same as the right side, or maybe they are mirror images. All of these
statements imply a recognition of symmetry, a spatial similarity due to the
shape of an object. But more technically, symmetry is a powerful mathemati-
cal tool that can potentially simplify our study of quantum mechanics.
Consider a random quadrilateral, a plane figure having four sides. In order
to define a specific quadrilateral, one must specify not only the lengths of each
side, but their order and angles of intersection. Now consider a square. A
square is also a plane figure having four sides. But by definition, the sides are
at 90° angles and all have the same length. A square has more symmetry,and
so is simpler to define.
Such comparisons apply in quantum mechanics, too. Recognizing the sym-
metry of an atomic or molecular system allows one to simplify the quantum
mechanics, sometimes dramatically. We have already seen some aspects of
symmetry: odd and even functions, the spherical nature of the hydrogen atom’s
1 sorbital, the cylindrical shape of H 2 and H 2. All these are applications of
symmetry. In this chapter, we will develop a general understanding of symme-
try using a mathematical tool called group theory. Then, we can see how sym-
metry applies to some aspects of quantum mechanics.
13.1 Synopsis
This chapter begins with an introduction to group theory, the branch of math-
ematics that considers symmetry. We will find that each symmetry operation
has a corresponding symmetry operator, just like other quantum-mechanical
operators. Symmetry operators move objects, including molecules, in three-
dimensional space into spatially equivalent objects. Every object satisfies a
collection, or group,of symmetry operators. Understanding the characteristics
of that group of operators is an important part of symmetry. At first, there
will be little connection between symmetry and the topics of the previous
chapters, but that will change quickly. Wavefunctions also have symmetry, and
their symmetry can be used to understand their properties and to define and
13.1 Synopsis
13.2 Symmetry Operations and Point Groups
13.3 The Mathematical Basis
of Groups
13.4 Molecules and Symmetry
13.5 Character Tables
13.6 Wavefunctions and
13.7 The Great Orthogonality
13.8 Using Symmetry in Integrals
13.9 Symmetry-Adapted Linear
13.10 Valence Bond Theory
13.11 Hybrid Orbitals
13.12 Summary