molecules, since MJdoes not affect the rotational energy it will have no effect
on the rotational spectrum unless the molecules are subjected to a strong elec-
tric field (that is, the Stark effect). Since the selection rule for Kis that it must
remain unchanged (K0), the difference in the rotational energies is dic-
tated solely by changes in J:
EE(J)→E(J 1)E(J 1) E(J) 2 B(J 1) (14.24)
This equation is for absorption of electromagnetic radiation by either a pro-
late or an oblate top, where Bis the rotational constant that appears twice in
the three rotational constants for a symmetric top (remember, one of the ro-
tational constants is unique and different from the other two). This is the same
expression we determined for linear molecules. Again, the quantum number J
refers to the lower-energy state involved in the transition.
This suggests that we can determine little more about the structure of sym-
metric tops other than a single rotational constant, even though symmetric
tops have two distinct rotational constants. If molecules acted like perfect rigid
rotors, this would be the case. But they’re not perfect, and that does allow us
to obtain additional information from a real spectrum. We will get to this in
the next section.
By definition, molecules that are spherical tops do not have a permanent di-
pole moment, so they do not have a pure rotational spectrum. However, un-
der some conditions they may have rotational absorptions superimposed in
their vibrational spectrum.
478 CHAPTER 14 Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
field off
field on
J 4
MJ 0
MJ 4
MJ 1
MJ 2
MJ 3
J 3
MJ 3
MJ 0
MJ 1
MJ 2
v (GHz)
Intensity (arbitrary units)
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
Figure 14.14 Imposition of an electric field
can complicate an otherwise “simple” spectrum.
For a diatomic molecule, the selection rule MJ
now dictates the possible transitions.
Figure 14.15 A real spectrum, showing the Stark effect on benzonitrile, C 6 H 5 CN. The and
* signs mark signals that are splitting due to the electric field.Source:Reprinted with permission
from The American Chemical Society.