Example 15.2
From the above expressions, determine the possible values ofjfor the fol-
a.A single delectron
b.A single helectron (where 5)
a.For a delectron,2 and salways equals ^12 , so the two possible values of
jfor a single delectron are ^52 and ^32 .
b.For an helectron (which would exist as an excited state in, say, the sixth
principal quantum shell),5, so the two possible values ofjfor a single h
electron are ^121 and ^92 .
This example again shows the possible values for the jquantum number as
half-integers. For single electrons jis always a half-integer. For multiple elec-
trons,Jcan be either integers or half-integers.
Example 15.3
What are the possible values ofmjfor the delectron in Example 15.2?
For an angular momentum that follows the normal quantum-mechanical
rules for angular momenta, the possible values ofmjrange from jto j,in
integer steps. Therefore,mj ^52 , ^32 , ^12 ,^12 ,^32 , and ^52 for the j^52 state, and
^32 , ^12 ,^12 , and ^32 for the j^32 state of the delectron. There are six possible
values ofmjfor j^52 and four possible values ofmjfor j^32 .
The point of this example is worth repeating: for an electron that has a
total angular momentum indicated by the quantum number j, the possible
values ofmjare
mj jto jin integer steps (2j 1 possible values) (15.8)
The overallenergy of an electron is dependent on the value of the jquantum
number. The mjquantum number does not affect the energy of the electron
unless the atom is in the presence of a magnetic or electric field. These state-
ments are consistent with the known effects ofand mon the energy of a
(hydrogen-like) electron.
Completely filled subshells (not shells, but subshells) contribute no overall
angular momentum to the total angular momentum of the atom. All angular
momenta, orbital and spin, are paired so that there is a net zero effect. However,
if an electron from a filled subshell is excited to a higher-energy state, this
statement no longer applies and the effect on the total angular momentum by
the partially filled subshell as well as the excited electron must be taken into
However, first we ought to be able to obtain some understanding of the
electronic spectra of atoms that have a single electron in their valence subshell.
Such atoms have the electron configurations ns^1 ,np^1 ,nd^1 ,or nf^1 (where nis
some allowed value of the principal quantum number). Because of the lone
524 CHAPTER 15 Introduction to Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure