Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
benzene. This generality is called the 4n 2 rule,where nis any nonnegative
integer and the expression 4n 2 yields the number ofelectrons in the sys-
tem. (For example,n1 predicts 6 electrons, which is what is found for
benzene.) The rule is of limited value, because in large molecules the deviation
from planarity is large. However, it is useful for predicting whether or not
heterocyclic compounds (that is, cyclic compounds that have atoms other than
carbon) or ions composed of cyclic carbon rings will be unusually stable.
The ultraviolet spectrum of benzene (and other aromatic compounds) is
dominated by transitions of the electrons from the lower orbitals to the
higher-lying, normally unoccupied orbitals. A strong absorption occurring
at 1800 Å marks the beginning of such transitions. (The electronic spectrum
of benzene has absorptions at lower energies, corresponding to light having
wavelengths of2600 Å. Such absorptions were historically very well known
and are one of the earliest recognized examples of transitions involving an
electronic transition that is formally forbidden but made allowed by the vi-
brations of the molecule.
The extended Hückel methodfor molecular orbitals includes a treatment of
all valence electrons (and ), not just the electrons. Atomic orbitals from
atoms are used to determine molecular orbital energies by defining the inte-
grals Hxyand Sxyin a fashion similar to that just presented for the electrons.
Although similar in principle, it requires larger matrices because all valence
electrons are treated. Other concerns preclude a detailed discussion here, but
other references (like J. P. Lowe,Quantum Chemistry,2nd ed., Academic Press,
Boston, 1993) can be consulted for details.

15.11 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

In a perfect molecule, electronic transitions would go like this: absorption of a
photon excites a molecule from initial (usually ground) state to excited state;
excited state emits a photon having the same energy/frequency/wavelength and
molecule goes from excited state to previous initial ground state. The first
process,excitation,would be followed by the exact opposite process, called de-
excitationor decay.Such processes would follow quantum-mechanical selec-
tion rules strictly.
In reality, electronic transitions stray somewhat from the ideal selection
rules. In particular, when an excited electronic state decays to a lower electronic
state, a photon having the same energy as the excitation photon might not be
emitted. Instead, the molecule may de-excite by transferring the extra energy
into various vibrational, rotational, or solid-state vibrational (called “phonon”)
modes of the sample. Ultimately, this excess energy is converted into heat en-
ergy. Such processes are called radiationless transitions.
There are other mechanisms for energy loss. The initial excited electronic
state of a molecule is best thought of as a manifold of vibrational and rota-
tional states superimposed on the electronic potential energy curve. (Such a
view has been discussed previously.) In many cases, this manifold overlaps the
energy range of another manifold of rotational and vibrational energies of a
different electronic state (usually having lower electronic energy) that has the
same spin multiplicity. This is an important requirement, because allowed
transitions have the selection rule of S0. Such a system is illustrated in
Figure 15.22. In some cases, the molecule will spontaneously change its state
from the initial electronic state to the lower-energy electronic state of the same
multiplicitywithout the emission of a photon. In doing so, any excess energy

548 CHAPTER 15 Introduction to Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure

Singlet manifold

Triplet manifold


(a type of

T 1

T 2

S 0

S 1


Figure 15.22 Many molecules have overlap-
ping singlet (that is,S0, so 2S
1 1) and
triplet (S1, so 2S
1 3) electronic states.
Each of these electronic states has its own vibra-
tional state manifold. In some cases, absorbed
electronic energy is simply dissipated by being re-
distributed to the vibrations of the molecules, as
shown. Normally, the singlet manifold of elec-
tronic states does not interact with the triplet
manifold of electronic states via allowed elec-
tronic transitions. The numerical labels in the S
and T states are used to differentiate one singlet
(or triplet) state from another.
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