Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Scenario 2: fermion nuclei (that is, half-integer spin nuclei)
antisym sym sym sym* sym sym,Jodd
degen: (I 1)(2I 1) degen: 2J 1
antisym sym,Jeven
degen: 2I^2 I degen: 2J 1

The * on electserves as a reminder that in some cases the electronic state may
be antisymmetric. Although the degeneracies of the symmetric and antisym-
metric nuclear wavefunctions are the same for fermions and bosons, they are
not equal to each other. This means that a different number of possible total
wavefunctions are available for the homonuclear diatomic molecules, and this
will affect the number of molecules occupying each rotational state! Understand
what the above scenarios imply. If a molecule has a fermion as a nucleus, then
symmetric nuclear states will exist only for odd values of the Jrotational quan-
tum number. Similarly, if the nuclei are in an antisymmetric spin state, the
molecules will exist only with symmetric rotational states, that is, even values
of the Jrotational quantum number.
What this does is skew the “normal” population of measured rotational
states for homonuclear diatomic molecules, because the degeneracies are dif-
ferent. In fact, in spectra of homonuclear diatomic molecules—and also any
linear molecule that is symmetric with respect to a plane perpendicular to the
molecular axis, like C 2 H 2 —there is a profound intensity alternation because of
the different populations of odd and even rotational states, based on the above
analysis. Figure 18.2 shows a spectrum in which the intensity pattern shows
such behavior. This is one of the more spectacular experimental verifications
of the Pauli principle.

Example 18.7
Diatomic hydrogen has nuclei with a spin of^12 . What would be the expected
ratio of molecules in odd rotational states to molecules in even rotational

With a spin of^12 , hydrogen’s nuclei are fermions. Therefore, according to
scenario 2 above, there will be (I 1)(2I 1) (^12  1)(2 ^12  1)  3

632 CHAPTER 18 More Statistical Thermodynamics









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Figure 18.2 This vibrational spectrum of
acetylene, C 2 H 2 , shows intensity variations that
are due to the effect of the nuclear wavefunction’s
symmetry on the degeneracies of the overall wave-
function of the molecule. This is one of the few
direct consequences ofnuclearwavefunctions in
chemistry.Source:L. W. Richards,J. Chem. Ed.,
1996, 43: 645.

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