Equation 18.62 shows that statistical thermodynamics can calculate temperature-
dependent equilibrium constants from partition functions. Since the partition
functions themselves are ultimately determined from the energy levels of
the chemical species, we see once again how a knowledge of energy levels—
obtained from spectroscopy—helps us make thermodynamic predictions about
chemical reactions.
A word about units is necessary. It is important to keep track of all units in
equation 18.62, and when comparing calculated results to experimental ones,
units must be consistent. Equation 18.62 is the concentration-based equilib-
rium constant,Kc. Equilibrium constants can also be expressed in terms of the
partial pressures of the gas-phase reactants and products. The pressure-based
equilibrium constant,Kp, is related to Kcby the expression
KpKc(kT)i (18.63)
where irepresents the proper combination of the stoichiometric coefficients
of gas-phase substances in the balanced chemical reaction. Remember that (^) i
values are positive for products and negative for reactants.
Example 18.10
Of necessity, examples of equation 18.62 must be relatively straightforward.
Calculate the equilibrium at 298 K for the reaction
H 2 D 2 2HD
Assume that the electronic and nuclear partition functions cancel. Compare
the calculated value with the experimental value of 3.26 (unitless).
Since i 2 1 1 0,KpKcin this case. The remaining three par-
tition functions for each species are calculated as follows:
q H 2 D 2 HD
trans/V 2.737
1030 7.741
1030 5.028
vib 2.959
10 ^5 6.283
10 ^4 1.197
10 ^4
rot 1.746 3.489 4.656
where qtranshas been divided by volume. For H 2 and D 2 , the rotational par-
tition functions are scaled by a symmetry number of 2. HD has a symmetry
number of 1. We have for the equilibrium constant
18.9 Equilibria 643
Notice that the volume terms cancel out of the expression for K(T). We get
1030 1.197
10 ^4 4.656)^2
1030 2.959
10 ^5 1.746) (7.741
1030 6.283
10 ^4 3.489)
K(T) 3.273
This is very close to the experimentally determined value.
Statistical thermodynamics thus provides tools for us to predict equilibrium