Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
some connection, then. The connection is simple. We define an equilibrium
constant Kfor this simple reaction as the quotient of the concentration of the
products and the reactants:








K (20.35)

With this definition and the relationships between the concentrations of A and
B, it can be shown from equation 20.33 that as t→:



[A] 0

It follows that for this simple reaction,

[B]eq 1 [A]eq


[A] 0




f (20.36)

The last equation is especially noteworthy for its simplicity (and its potential
usefulness), although all three equations above are applicable to first-order or
pseudo first-order reactions.* These three expressions (and the concepts used
to derive them) represent one connection between kinetics and thermody-
namics. Other expressions can be derived for higher-order reactions, but they
all mimic similar ideas in mass conservation and the mathematics of differen-
tial equations.

20.5 Parallel and Consecutive Reactions

The previous section used a simple reaction, A →B, to introduce a connection
that does exist between kinetics and thermodynamics. Many chemical equa-
tions are not this simple. For some reactions, more than one product is possi-
ble; these are parallel reactions.And commonly, in other cases, the product of
the first reaction is the reactant of a second reaction, which may in turn be the
reactant of another reaction, and so on. These are examples ofconsecutive
A simple parallel reaction can be illustrated as
k 1
A →B
k 2 

in which some reactant A can react to form two possible products, labeled B
or C. The rate constants for each individual reaction are labeled k 1 and k 2 ,re-
spectively. As an example, the thermal decomposition of many small hydro-
carbons like CH 4 can occur via several pathways simultaneously, constituting
a set of parallel (also called competingor concurrent) reactions.
Consider a system in which the rate laws of both reactions are first-order
with respect to A. If we start such a reaction with only A present, the initial
rate of disappearance of A can be written as

696 CHAPTER 20 Kinetics

*Equation 20.36 also applies to any forward-and-reverse reactions whose orders are
equal to the stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants for each process. We won’t be con-
sidering any examples of this application here.
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