Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
cally controlled.However, over long time intervals, the ultimate ratio of prod-
ucts will depend on the individual equilibrium constants of the separate reac-
tions. Since equilibrium constants are ultimately related to the thermodynam-
ics of the reaction, we say that the ratio of products under these conditions
is thermodynamically controlled.
The ratio of products at any one instant may be completely different de-
pending on whether the ratio is dictated by kinetic control or thermodynamic
control. For example, consider parallel reactions in which k 1  1 10 ^2 and
k 1  1 10 ^4 (which relate to product B) while k 2  1 10 ^3 and k 2 
1 10 ^7 (which relate to product C). The two equilibrium constants K 1 and
K 2 , are 100 and 10,000, respectively.
Initially, because k 1 is 10 times larger than k 2 , more of product B is produced
than product C. We say that B is the kinetically favored product.However, as
equilibria are established over a long period of time, the amount of product C
is much larger because its equilibrium favors products much more than the B
product is favored by its independent equilibrium. We say that product C is the
thermodynamically favored product.Figure 20.11 shows a graph of how prod-
uct B is produced in larger quantities at first, and how this changes over longer
periods of time as equilibria are established. If a chemical producer is inter-
ested in product B, the kinetically favored product, a way to remove B from the
system would need to be developed, or else B will re-react and form C, the
thermodynamically favored product.
There are many cases ofconsecutive reactions,in which the product of a first
reaction is the reactant (or one of the reactants) of a second reaction, and so
on. A simple consecutive reaction scheme can be represented as
k 1 k 2
A →B→C
Radioactive decay series are good examples of consecutive reactions. Assuming
(as is usually the case) that a system starts out with only A present and no B
or C, the rates of change of concentration of the three species in the above se-
quence are





k 1 [A]t





k 1 [A]tk 2 [B]t (20.46)





k 2 [B]t

20.5 Parallel and Consecutive Reactions 699


Time (s)


[B] [C]

700 800

Fraction present

100 200 300 400 500 600





Figure 20.11 Plots of [A]t, [B]t, and [C]tfor a
long period of time in which equilibria can be
established. Now the relative concentrations of B
and C are dependent on the equilibrium con-
stants of the individual reactions, not just the rate
constants of the two forward parallel reactions.

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