Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Both pathways react bromate ion to products, but path I has Brions as a re-
actant whereas path II has Brions as a product. Thus, when enough Bris
available, path I dominates; when [Br] is small, path II is favored. Path II then
generates Brions, so as [Br] increases, path I becomes favored,...and the
cycle goes on. Ce^4 is reduced to Ce^3 by some steps in path II, then reoxi-
dized to Ce^4 by other steps in the same pathway. As such, the reaction serves
as a Ce(III)/Ce(IV) half-reaction, and the oscillations can be followed electro-
chemically by using the BZ reaction itself as a half cell. Various indicators and
spectroscopic techniques can also be used to follow the changing concentra-
tions of the intermediates. Figures 20.22 and 20.23 show diagrams of how con-
centrations change during the course of a BZ reaction.
Why are chemists interested in oscillating reactions? Not only are they in-
teresting from a kinetic perspective, but some important chemical reactions are
oscillatory in nature. Among the most important ones are the reactions that
cause a heart to beat. Specific chemical processes promote electrochemical re-
sponses that cause the heart to contract, pump blood—and keep us alive. An
understanding of oscillating reactions thus yields a better understanding of the
biochemistry of complex living systems.

20.10 Transition-State Theory

Not all kinetics is phenomenological. In recent years there have been advances
in understanding the kinetics of reactions from a theoretical perspective. In
this section, we will review the basics of some theoretical kinetics.
Collision theory is a simple description of reacting molecules that treats
them as hard spheres. Some of the basic concepts of collision theory were con-
sidered at the end of section 20.6. Although this model does predict some nu-
merical reaction parameters having about the right order of magnitude, its de-
scription of molecules as hard spheres and use of steric factors as “fudge
factors” ignores the complex nature of even simple molecular reactions. A
more realistic approach is necessary.
Transition-state theory(sometimes called activated-complex theory) is a
more realistic model of a bimolecular elementary step in a reaction. It takes

20.10 Transition-State Theory 719

1  10 ^4

t (s)



] M

1  10 ^7




300 450 600

1  10 ^5

1  10 ^6

Figure 20.22 The oscillating nature of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction can be illustrated
by the varying concentrations of some of the species involved. Many of these concentrations are
measured electrochemically.Source:Reprinted with permission from the Journal of the American
Chemical Society,Vol. 94, No. 25, p. 8651.

Richard Magna/Fundamental Photographs
Figure 20.23 Under certain conditions, oscil-
lating reactions can produce different colors over
time, leading to some fascinating visual displays.

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