Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Now we consider systems where the angles between a,b, and care not all
90°. For this set we start with the least restricted case. If all distance and angle
parameters are different, the crystal is triclinic.If two of the angles are 90° and
one not, then the crystal is considered monoclinic.If all three unit cell dimen-
sions are the same (abc) and the angles are equal but not 90°, then the
crystal is described as trigonalor rhombohedral.And last, some crystals have a
sixfold symmetry. Such crystals are called hexagonal.
Finally, within some of the systems are subsystems that have additional
atoms or ions or molecules. These subsystems differ only by having corner
species in other parts of the unit cell, like the sides or the center of the unit cell.
Table 21.2 lists these details, and Figure 21.9 shows examples of the additional
possible cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, and monoclinic crystal structures.
These 14 possible crystal structures are called the Bravais lattices,after the
French scientist Auguste Bravais (1811–1863), who first described them in 1848.
The cubic crystal system, for example, is separated into three Bravais lattices
depending on whether the unit cell has species only at the corners (simpleor
primitive cubic); at the corners and the center of the unit cell (body-centered
cubic); or at the faces of the unit cell (face-centered cubic). Note that for the
body-centered cubic, the species (atom, ion, or molecule) in the center con-
tributes one full member to the stoichiometry of the cell, and the atoms, ions,
or molecules in the faces of the unit cell contribute ^12 of a member each. (Recall
that species at the corners contribute ^18 of a member each.) For face-centered
cubic unit cells, the facial species contribute, overall,^12  6 3 members to
the stoichiometry of the unit cell.
The tetragonal system can also have species in the center of the unit cell.
Orthorhombic crystals can have species in the center (body-centered), in all
faces (face-centered), only in opposing faces (end-centered), or only at the cor-
ners (primitive). Monoclinic unit cells can be either primitive or end-centered,
with species in one set of opposing faces. Triclinic, hexagonal, and trigonal unit
cells are just primitive.
Table 21.2 also lists another standard nomenclature for referring to the
types of Bravais lattice. Generally, the letter P is used to indicate a primitive
lattice, I is used for body-centered lattices, F for face-centered lattices, and C
for end-centered lattices.

21.3 Crystals and Unit Cells 735

a  b  c




Figure 21.8 Definition of unit cell parame-
ters. The lengths of the unit cell are labeled a,b,
and c, such that abc. The angles between
the unit cell dimensions are , , and ; they are
defined as shown.

Table 21.2 The fourteen Bravais lattices
Crystal system Bravais lattice Symbol(s)
Cubic Simple (or primitive) cubic sc, P
Body-centered cubic bcc, I
Face-centered cubic fcc, F
Tetragonal Simple (or primitive) tetragonal P
Face-centered tetragonal F
Orthorhombic Simple (or primitive) orthorhombic P
Body-centered orthorhombic I
Face-centered orthorhombic F
End- (or base-) centered orthorhombic C
Trigonala Simple (or primitive) trigonal P
Hexagonal Simple (or primitive) hexagonal P
Monoclinic Simple (or primitive) monoclinic P
End- (or base-) centered monoclinic C
Triclinic Simple (or primitive) triclinic P
aTrigonal is also known as rhombohedral in some texts.
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