Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
above the atoms in the first layer, as shown in Figure 21.11a. Building the
crystal can be continued by repeating each layer’s position accordingly. If the
first layer is labeled A and the second layer B, we can indicate the building of
this crystal as alternating layers of A, B, A, B,....
On the other hand, the third layer of atoms could be placed in positions that
are different from layer A or layer B; this is shown in Figure 21.11b and the
layer is usually labeled as layer C. In this crystal, the alternating layers can be
listed as A, B, C, A, B, C,....
Both arrangements are the most space-efficient ways of packing atoms, ions,
or molecules. Figure 21.12a shows that the ABAB form of crystal has a hexag-
onal Bravais lattice. The ABCABC ...form ofcrystal has a face-centered cu-
bic Bravais lattice (see Figure 21.12b). Both of these crystal lattices represent
the most space-efficient form of crystal; over 50 of the elements themselves,
from noble gases to metals, have either hexagonal or face-centered cubic crys-
tal lattices in their solid form. Because of the efficiency of the hexagonal
crystal lattice, it is sometimes called the hexagonal close-packed(or hcp) lattice.
These space-efficient crystal structures also show up in the real world of
macroscopic objects. For example, stacks of golf balls, basketballs, or baseballs
mimic an hcp or face-centered cubic arrangement. At grocery stores, fruits or
vegetables that are roughly spherical (oranges, apples, pears, citrus fruits) can
be stacked in a close-packed arrangement. Figure 21.13 shows an example of
this. This arrangement is used for its stability and, again, its efficient use of

21.4 Densities

Knowledge of the crystal lattice designation of a crystal implies that we know
how many molecules are in the unit cell. If we have the unit cell parameters
(that is, the three distance parameters a,b, and c, and the three angular para-
meters , , and ) we can calculate the density of the compound. Comparison
of the calculated density with an experimentally determined density should
yield the same value. (In fact, agreement between calculated densities and ex-
perimental densities was perhaps a final—though unnecessary—supporting
argument for the atomic theory of matter.)
Recall that density is defined as mass per unit volume:






Typically, the density of solids is given in units of grams/milliliter, abbreviated
g/mL; since a milliliter is equal to a cubic centimeter, densities are also com-
monly expressed in units of g/cm^3. A unit cell, however, is very small: typically
on the order of angstroms on a side (where 1 Å  1  10 ^10 m). Also, in a
unit cell we are considering (usually) a small number of atoms or molecules
per unit cell. The total mass of any one unit cell is therefore very small in an
absolute sense, on the order of 10^26 to 10^27 kg. In fact, it is typical to use
the unit “atomic mass unit,” or amu, to describe masses of individual atoms
and molecules. The amu is defined as
1 amu 1.6605  10 ^27 kg (21.2)
Thus, we have for a single unit cell





 in units of




738 CHAPTER 21 The Solid State: Crystals









Figure 21.12 (a) The hexagonal unit cell for
the ABAB... pattern of close-packing. (b) The
face-centered cubic unit cell for the ABCABC...
pattern of close-packing.

Figure 21.13 Close-packed arrangements in
solids are easily mimicked in macroscopic
arrangements, like this fruit display. Can you
tell if this “crystal” would have a hexagonal or
face-centered cubic unit cell?

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