Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
The very word “defect” has negative connotations, but crystal defects are not
necessarily bad. One area that takes advantage of crystal defects is semiconduc-
tors. For example, many semiconductors are composed mostly of silicon,
whose crystal form is a covalent network solid. Pure silicon is actually non-
conductive, but if a tiny percentage of substitutional defects is present, the
conductivity properties of silicon are changed dramatically. For example, 10 parts
per million of boron substituted in pure silicon increases the conductivity of
the crystalline solid by a factor of 1000! A boron atom does this by substitut-
ing for a Si atom, but in doing so decreases the number of electrons in the solid
by 1; see Figure 21.33a. The unpaired electron on the adjacent silicon atom is
free to conduct electricity (but not very well; hence the semiconductor de-
scription of the doped silicon crystal). An equivalent way of stating this is that
the boron atom “substitutes” a missing electron, called a hole,and it is the hole
that conducts the electricity. (Although the definition of a hole relies on some-
thing that is notthere rather than something that is, it is commonly invoked
to discuss the conductivity of semiconductors. Electricity is conducted as elec-
trons move to fill holes.) Semiconductors that are doped to decrease the num-
ber of electrons are called p-type semiconductors,the pstanding for positive.
That is, having fewer electrons implies a positive charge on a material. This is
somewhat of a misnomer, because the crystal does nothave a positive charge.
Similarly, substituting an atom that has more electrons than a Si atom does
introduces additional electrons, as shown in Figure 21.33b. These excess elec-
trons can also impart some conductivity to the Si crystal. Because of the addi-
tional electrons in the substitutional defect, these semiconductors are called n-
type semiconductors,the nstanding for negativeusing the reverse of the rationale
for the p-type label.
Other substitutions (by different atoms and to different degrees) change the
conductivity of silicon in other ways, and it is this variable conductivity that is
the basis for all solid-state electronics. This intentional introduction of defects
is called doping.In addition to silicon, other materials—properly doped—can
be used as semiconductors. Some of these materials are 11 combinations of
p^3 and p^5 valence shell atoms (Si has a p^4 valence shell, so on average the atoms
have a silicon-like valence shell). GaAs and InAs are common materials that are
also used for semiconductors.

21.10 Summary

In this chapter, we have seen how we can model the solid state of matter,
assuming that the solid is well-ordered and composed of crystals. Not-well-
ordered solids can be polycrystalline, or they may be amorphous. But the reg-
ularity of crystals helps us determine models for describing the solid phase.
Central to modeling the solid state is the understanding that there are only
14 basic crystal arrangements, called Bravais lattices. Crystals are ultimately
composed of repeating units called unit cells, all having the same three-
dimensional arrangement of atoms or molecules, all contributing to the entire
crystal. A unit cell is to a crystal as an atom is to an element: it is the basic
building block of the larger material. Also central is the idea that there is a sim-
ple mathematical model to determine how crystal lattices might interact with
electromagnetic radiation, specifically X rays. The Bragg equation shows how
we can relate the diffraction of X rays by a crystal to that crystal’s structure.
Crystals as simple as NaCl or as complicated as DNA can be studied using X-
ray diffraction, and their structures deduced on the basis of their diffracting

760 CHAPTER 21 The Solid State: Crystals

(a) p-Type semiconductor

Si Si Si

Si Si

Si B

excess  change


(b) n-Type semiconductor

Si Si Si

Si Si

Si As

excess  change


Figure 21.33 (a) Substituting a boron atom
for a silicon atom in crystalline Si reduces the
number of electrons in the crystal by 1, making a
positively charged “hole” and a so-called p-type
semiconductor. Electrons can occupy these holes,
allowing for electricity to conduct through the
material. (b) Similarly, substituting an As atom
introduces an extra electron, which is free to
move through the solid. This is an n-type semi-

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