Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

ions in solution, 225–230
nonstandard potentials, 218–225
overview, 206–207, 237
quantum mechanics,seequantum mechanics
standard potentials, 215–218
work, 210–215
electrolyte, 234
electrolytic cell, 215
electromagnetic spectrum
classical properties, 253–257
description, 463–466
photoelectric effect, 253, 259
in spectroscopy,seespectroscopy
electromotive force
description, 212–213, 215
in nonstandard conditions, 219–221
electron configuration, 383–384
electronic partition functions, statistical thermodynamics,
electronic spectroscopy,see alsorotational spectroscopy;
vibrational spectroscopy
angular momenta, 521–525, 534–539
aromaticity, 546–548
diatomic molecules, 534–539
fluorescence, 548–550
Franck-Condon principle, 539–541
Hückel approximations, 543–546
hydrogen atom, 520–522
lasers, 550–556
multiple electrons, 526–534
overview, 519–520, 556
electron systems, 543–546
phosphorescence, 548–550
polyatomic molecules, 541–543
Russell-Saunders coupling, 526–534
selection rules, 520
vibrational structure, 539–541
electron paramagnetic resonance, 571
atomic structure, 251–253
Aufbau principle, 382–386
Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom, 262–267
Born-Oppenheimer approximation, 403–405, 539
particle nature, 268
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537,
perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
quantum mechanics,seequantum mechanics
spin, 371–374
spin orbitals, 377–382
wavefunction, 274–275, 281–283
electron spin resonance, 373, 567–571
electroplating, 215
endothermic processes, 38, 51, 53

atomization energy, 623
Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom, 262–267
changes, 29, 32–34, 67
constant-volume condition, 601
delocalization energy, 545
density, 254, 256
electrochemistry, 210–215
energy of activation, 702–703, 723–724
Gibbs free energy,seeGibbs free energy
heat change, 29, 58–60
Helmholtz energy, 89, 92–96, 114, 604
internal energy,seeinternal energy
lattice energies of ionic crystals, 755–759
linear variation theory, 398–402
Maxwell relationships, 99–103
molar energy of gases, 656
natural variable equations, 96–99
quantum energy, 257–258
quantum mechanics,seequantum mechanics
Schrödinger equation,seeSchrödinger equation
states,seequantum numbers
term symbols, 526–534
transfer, 4
variation theory, 394–397
work relationship, 210–215
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, 593–602
in microsystems, 590–593
total energy, 600, 602
in biochemical reactions, 60–62, 85
in chemical change, 37, 53–58
constant-pressure heat capacity, 41–43
derivation from partition functions, 638–639
description, 36–38
internal energy relationship, 601
in ionic solutions, 228–230
isenthalpic processes, 43, 90–91
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
lattice energies of ionic crystals, 755–759
of mixing, 78–79
natural variable equations, 91, 96–99
in nonstandard chemical reactions, 220–221
for phase transitions, 55–57, 146–147
spontaneity determination, 90–91
temperature change, 58–60
absolute entropy, 80–81
change, 75–77, 81–85, 102–103
of chemical reactions, 81–85

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