Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

group frequency regions in vibrational spectroscopy,
threshold frequency, 253
Freundlich isotherm, 786
frictional proportionality constant, in ionic solutions,
description, 110–114
in liquid/liquid systems, 170
fundamental equation of chemical thermodynamics, 114
description, 51, 143
heat of fusion, 51, 146

galvanic cell, 215
gamma function, 673
gamma rays, 464
Gamow, George, 298
catalysis, 783–788
heat of adsorption, 787
liquid/gas systems, 183–184, 194
phase diagrams, 154–159, 174–175
vapor pressure,seevapor pressure
gas laws
Boyle’s gas law, 6, 15, 50
Charles’s gas law, 6
collisions, 666–671
description, 1, 21
diffusion, 671–677
effusion, 671–677
first law of thermodynamics, 26–28
ideal gas constant, 7, 9, 553
ideal gas law, 7, 609, 668
kinetic theory of gases, 47, 651–679
monatomic gases, 604–608
nonideal gases, 10–17
partial derivatives, 8–10, 18–21, 96–99
partition function, 604–608
postulates, 652–656
pressure, 652–656
second law of thermodynamics, 77–78
velocity distributions, 656–666
zeroth law of thermodynamics, 1–23
gauss, 561
Gauss, Karl F., 319
Gaussian-type function, 319
Germer, Lester H., 268
Gibbs, J. Willard, 159, 586
Gibbs, Josiah W., 93
Gibbs free energy
for chemical equilibrium, 123–128

chemical potential relationship, 108–110, 114, 118, 121,
derivation from partition functions, 638–639
description, 89, 92–96, 114
in electrochemical reactions, 210–213, 216–217, 221
Eyring equation, 722–723
for ionic solutions, 228–229
isothermic processes, 95, 147
in single-component systems, 159–160
spontaneity determination, 92–93, 108
statistical thermodynamics, 601–602, 610–611
surface tension relationship, 768–771, 779
variation with temperature, 105–108
Gibbs phase rule
for multiple-component systems, 166–169, 189
for single-component systems, 154–159
for solid/solid solutions, 189
Gibbs surface energy, 768–771, 779
annealing, 780
properties, 732
glass pH electrode, 223
Graham, Thomas, 677
Graham’s law, 677
grating, 740
great orthogonality theorem, in group theory, 438–441, 537
gross selection rule, 472, 513, 520
Grotrian, Walter, 533
Grotrian diagrams, 533–534
ground state
configuration of elements, 387
for electron orbitals, 382, 539
in harmonic oscillators, 323
partition functions, 618–619
group frequency regions, in vibrational spectroscopy,
group theory
great orthogonality theorem, 438–441, 537
in vibrational spectroscopy, 498

half-cells, 215
half-life, rate laws, 688–690, 701–702
half-reactions, redox reactions, 214–216
Hamilton, William R., 244
Hamiltonian function
description, 244–248, 285–286, 300
for helium atom, 374–375
kinetic energy relationship, 245, 286–287
in three-dimensional rotations, 341–342
in variation theory, 395–396
hard-sphere model, gas particle collisions, 666
harmonic oscillator
classical harmonic oscillator, 316–318, 624

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