Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

lasers, 550–557
lattice structure,seecrystals
law of corresponding states, 645–646
laws,see also specific laws
description, 3
laws of motion
Brownian motion, 676
classical mechanics, 242–248, 280, 316–318, 653
description, 242–248
Franck-Condon principle, 539–541
Newton’s laws of motion, 242–243, 653–654
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537,
quantum mechanics,seequantum mechanics
vibration,seevibrational spectroscopy
LCAO-MO theory, 405–409
Le Chantelier’s principle, 133
Lewis, Gilbert N., 228, 261
characteristics, 464
classical properties, 253–257
photoelectric effect, 253, 259
quantum mechanics,seequantum mechanics
linear combination
in perturbation theory, 391
symmetry-adapted linear combinations, 443–446
linear momentum, 334
Lineweaver-Burk plot, 714
boiling point elevation, 194, 196
catalysis, 783–788
Clapeyron equation, 151
description, 51–53, 143
heat of vaporization, 51–53, 146
liquid/gas systems, 183–184, 194
liquid/liquid systems, 169–179, 193, 201
multicomponent systems, 169–188
normal boiling point, 144
normal melting point, 143
oscillating reactions, 718
phase diagrams, 154–159, 174–175, 753
phase transitions, 143, 145–148
surface interface effects, 771–777
surface tension, 766–771
London, F. W., 446
Lord Kelvin, 7
Lorentz, Hendrik, 564
Lotka, Alfred, 718

macroscopic rules, 24
Madelung constant, 757–758
magnetic resonance imaging, 560, 582
magnetic spectroscopy
electric charges, 561–564
electron spin resonance, 567–571
magnetic dipoles, 561–564
magnetic inductions, 561–564
nuclear magnetic resonance, 571–582
overview, 560–561, 582–583
Zeeman spectroscopy, 560, 564–567
magnetogyric ratio, 574
Bohr magneton, 564, 568
nuclear magneton, 572
Maiman, Theodore, 554
Marsden experiment, 251–252
mass,see alsomomentum
classical turning point, 328
harmonic oscillation, 330–333
reduced mass, 330–333, 339
three-dimensional rotations, 341–347
two-dimensional rotations, 333–341
Maxwell, James C., 101, 252, 586, 651
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, 593–602, 663, 666
Maxwell relationships
application, 103–105
derivation from natural variable equation, 162
description, 99–103
mean free path, 667–669
mechanical equivalent of heat, 30
melting, 143
metals,see also specific metals; specific properties
alloys, 188, 191
amalgams, 188
annealing, 780
bonding, 732–733
corrosion, 217–218
electroplating, 215
methane, vibrational modes, 488
methylacetylene, infrared absorption spectra, 503–504
Michaelis-Menten equation, 714
microscopic rules, 24
microsystems, statistical thermodynamics, 590–593
microwaves, 464–465, 514
Miller indices, 744–752, 778–780
Millikan, Robert, 251
Millikan oil drop experiment, 251–252
enthalpy, 78–79
entropy, 78–79
internal energy of ideal liquid solutions, 178–179
molality, of solutions, 193–194, 226–227


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