Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

chemical equilibrium relationship, 125–129
Clapeyron equation, 148–152, 155
common units, 2–3
constant-pressure heat capacity, 41–43
critical pressure, 155–156
equations of state, 5–9, 105
equilibria in single-component systems, 141–165
equilibrium constant, 643
films, 777–778
fugacity relationship, 113
gradients, 672
Henry’s law, 183–184
internal pressure, 28
isobaric change, 42
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
kinetic theory, 655–656
in liquid/gas systems, 183–184
osmotic pressure, 196–201
partial pressures, 171–175
phase diagrams, 154–159, 174–175
SI units, 2–3
standard temperature and pressure, 7–8
surface interface effects, 771–777
vapor pressure,seevapor pressure
principal inertial axes, 467–468
principal quantum number, 355–356
principle of equal a priori probabilities, 592
Prokhorov, Alexander, 554
propagating reactions, kinetics, 714–719
proportionality constant, 257
pseudo rate constant, 692–693

quadratic equation, 401
quantum mechanics
Aufbau principle, 382–386
average values, 293–296, 329
Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom, 262–267
Born interpretation, 281–283
Born-Oppenheimer approximation, 403–405, 539
central force problem, 352–358, 365
classical harmonic oscillator, 316–318, 624
de Broglie equation, 267–269, 280
degeneracy, 303–306, 605, 618, 631–632
harmonic oscillator, 315–329
helium atom, 374–378, 396
historical perspectives, 257–262, 269–270
hydrogen atom, 262–267, 352–365, 373
LCAO-MO theory, 405–409
linear variation theory, 398–402
nondegenerate perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
normalization, 283–285, 303, 335–336
observables, 276–279, 288, 347–352

operators, 276–279, 288
orbital properties, 409–415
orthogonality, 306–307
overview, 273–274, 309–310, 315–316, 365–366, 370, 413
particle-in-a-box solution, 288–292, 299–303, 605–606
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537, 630–631
perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
postulates, 273, 309–310
pre-quantum mechanics,seeclassical mechanics
probabilities, 281–283
quantum energy, 257–258, 304–305
quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator, 318–324, 484–487
reduced mass, 330–333, 339
Schrödinger equation,seeSchrödinger equation
selection rules, 462–463, 471–473, 487–490
of spectroscopy,seespectroscopy
spin, 371–374
spin orbitals, 377–382
three-dimensional rotations, 341–347
tunneling, 296–299
two-dimensional rotations, 333–341
uncertainty principle, 279–281
variation theory, 394–397, 402–403
of vibration, 484–487
quantum numbers
angular momentum, 357, 521–525
centrifugal distortions, 479–481
description, 264, 291
hydrogen atom, 373, 380
letter designation, 358
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537, 630–631
principal quantum number, 355–356
rotational spectroscopy, 477–478
rotational-vibrational spectroscopy, 507–508
term symbols, 526–534
vibrational spectroscopy, 90
zero-point energy, 323

radial nodes, 362
radiation,see specific types
radiationless transitions, 548
historical perspectives, 253
kinetics, 688–690, 701–702
radio waves, 464–465
Raman, Chandrasekhara, 511
Raman spectroscopy, 511–514
Raoult’s law
in liquid/gas systems, 183
in liquid/liquid systems, 171–174, 178–179, 193
in nonideal two-component liquid solutions, 179–180

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